In the realm of aged care, the importance of upholding the Charter of Aged Care Rights cannot be overstated. This charter ensures that care recipients receive safe, high-quality care, are treated with dignity, and have their identities and preferences respected. Two critical rights within this charter are the right to be listened to and understood, and the right to complain free from reprisal, with complaints dealt with fairly and promptly. Tell Touch’s Instant Feedback product plays a crucial role in helping aged care providers meet these essential rights. Be Listened To and Understood Real-Time Feedback Mechanism The Instant Feedback product from Tell Touch enables care recipients and their families to provide feedback in real-time. This immediacy ensures that their voices are heard promptly, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments in care. The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible for all users, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their technical p...
Last month, the Department of Health and Aged Care released a draft " Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy " report, outlining a vision for leveraging technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of aged care services in Australia. The final report is due out in December. We read the AMA's response yesterday and thought we should put out our own. While the report espouses positive principles, it falls short in providing concrete measures for achieving its stated goals. The draft strategy says all the right things but doesn't really provide specific actions. It rightly emphasizes the importance of placing older Australians at the center of aged care delivery. No one would disagree with statements like this - but how will this be achieved? The report suggests older people should be able to: Communicate across the system Experience independence Receive high-quality and consistent care Be empowered to make informed choices Again, it's hard to disagree with that......