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Showing posts from August, 2022

A Closer Look at Aged Care Feedback: Surveys vs. Instant Feedback

In the evolving landscape of aged care, adhering to the Aged Care Quality Standards and the recommendations of the Royal Commission Interim Report is of paramount importance. However, when it comes to obtaining feedback and managing complaints, traditional survey methods simply don't meet these standards. Let's explore why surveys and instant feedback are indeed as different as apples and oranges in meeting the needs of aged care providers and their clients. 1. Timing Bias : Surveys often serve as a snapshot of a resident's experience at a specific moment in time. The drawback of this approach is that by the time surveys are conducted and results are compiled, it may be too late to remedy any issues identified. Conversely, instant feedback systems like Tell Touch allow for real-time reporting and immediate attention to concerns as they arise, providing opportunities for prompt action and resolution. 2. Memory Bias : Surveys rely on a resident's ability to recall past e...