The Pervasive Impact of Digital Feedback Systems Across All Standards in Aged Care and Home Care Services
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission's Sector performance reports for April–June 2023 has pointed out numerous areas of non-compliance in aged care facilities and home care services. While the focus on feedback often ends up confined to one standard (Standard 6), it's essential to recognise that feedback is a thread that weaves through every aspect of care provision. This article will explore how an effective digital feedback and complaints system can lead to improvements across all quality standards in both settings, not just in the commonly isolated Standard 6. Feedback: The Common Denominator in Every Standard Feedback should not be sequestered into a single standard. Whether it's governance, risk management, clinical care, or workforce issues, feedback is the lifeblood that can rejuvenate each area, making it more compliant and effective. Feedback Influences Governance and Risk Management . Timely feedback can lead to the implementation of effective governance s...