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Showing posts from September, 2023

The Pervasive Impact of Digital Feedback Systems Across All Standards in Aged Care and Home Care Services

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission's Sector performance reports for April–June 2023 has pointed out numerous areas of non-compliance in aged care facilities and home care services. While the focus on feedback often ends up confined to one standard (Standard 6), it's essential to recognise that feedback is a thread that weaves through every aspect of care provision. This article will explore how an effective digital feedback and complaints system can lead to improvements across all quality standards in both settings, not just in the commonly isolated Standard 6. Feedback: The Common Denominator in Every Standard Feedback should not be sequestered into a single standard. Whether it's governance, risk management, clinical care, or workforce issues, feedback is the lifeblood that can rejuvenate each area, making it more compliant and effective. Feedback Influences Governance and Risk Management . Timely feedback can lead to the implementation of effective governance s...

Improving Aged Care Through Feedback and Complaints Systems: Lessons from Healthcare Research

The efficacy of feedback and complaints systems in healthcare is increasingly well-documented, with multiple studies pointing to its pivotal role in enhancing quality care. But how does this body of evidence apply to aged care, a subsector with its unique challenges and opportunities? This article delves into five significant studies in healthcare and explores how their findings could be seamlessly transferred to elevate the quality of aged care, both in residential facilities and in home-based care settings. Study 1. Using patient feedback to drive quality improvement in hospitals: a qualitative study (Berger S, Saut AM, Berssaneti FT Using patient feedback to drive quality improvement in hospitals: a qualitative studyBMJ Open 2020;10:e037641. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037641) This first study showed that using patient feedback to drive quality improvement requires: Involvement and buy-in of staff at all levels,  Patients should be able to provide feedback through a variety o...

The New Aged Care Standards: A Digital Feedback and Complaints Management System is Now Imperative

The pilot audits for the revamped Aged Care Quality Standards are nearing completion, and we want to offer you a focused glimpse into the changes, particularly concerning feedback and complaints management. "Feedback and Complaints" is no longer a separate standard; now, it's integrated into 6 of the 7 new standards. This aligns perfectly with our longstanding belief: feedback is at the core of quality care. Specifically, section 2.6 of the proposed new standards outlines detailed requirements for managing feedback and complaints. So, can these multifaceted standards realistically be met with old-fashioned, paper-based systems? Spoiler alert: NO. As the sector leans more into digitization, having a digital feedback and complaints management system is not just an advantage—it's an absolute necessity. The Evolving Standards The new aged care standards make it abundantly clear: feedback and complaints are not peripheral issues. They are central to the continuous improvem...

A Closer Look at the Digital Transformation in Australian Aged Care: Responding to ACCPA's Analysis of the Intergenerational Report 2023

As our society greys, so too does the complexity of delivering high-quality, sustainable aged care. This challenge isn't confined to Australian shores; it's a worldwide phenomenon. The Australian Government's " Intergenerational Report 2023: Australia's Future to 2063 " provides an illuminating roadmap for adopting digital technologies to tackle these impending issues. But is the digital shift as important as the government makes it out to be? The Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) provides some insights in its own response to the report. In this article, we build on ACCPA's commentary , particularly focusing on the technology adoption paradigm in aged care. Immediate Challenges in Australian Aged Care The Intergenerational Report 2023 has painted a concerning picture for the future of aged care in Australia. As we identified in a previous article , although the nominal funding for the sector will rise, the actual spending per capita is ...